Cervical screening and Colposcopy
Women between the ages of 20 and 69 who have ever been sexually active should have regular cervical smear tests. NZ has a National Cervical Screening Program that is designed to detect changes in the cervix before they become cancerous. Having regular smear tests can reduce a woman’s risk of developing cervical cancer by 90%. Smear tests can be performed at your GP surgery or in our All Women clinic.
Specialists in our clinic are experienced at assessing the cervix if you have had an abnormal smear result. We have the facilities and equipment for performing colposcopy (close examination of the cervix under magnification) and performing a cervical biopsy if any abnormality is detected. It is important to go to your appointment even if you don’t have any symptoms. Sometimes no further treatment is needed, but you may require a simple procedure called a LLETZ to remove the abnormal cells.