Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence includes symptoms such as urinary urgency, frequency, waking up to pass urine at night (nocturia), urine loss with sex, coughing, sneezing, laughing or, walking (stress incontinence). It can affect your social life and wellbeing.  It may be associated with prolapse but not always.

Treatment or urinary stress incontinence can include lifestyle changes such as weight loss, fluid restriction, caffeine restriction and pelvic floor exercises. If you have urgency and urge incontinence some medications can help. Bladder retraining also allows you to have more control over the bladder muscle and not it controlling you! We often ask you to complete a bladder diary over a few days so that we can assess how much fluid you are drinking and how often and how much urine you are passing each time you go to the toilet.  Sometimes seeing it all written down can show just what the problem is and guide us to a treatment plan.